<aside> 💡 Updated Jan 2022: Staff training section “The Red Card”
For marketing teams within arts, technology and cultural organisations who consider their impact in the world, and need a digital partner to help them inspire their audience, Studio Treble are the leading Manchester based creative studio, working globally to create evocative digital experiences which embody at the intersection of aesthetics and utility, through deep interdisciplinary expertise connecting user experience, motion, design and engineering, and an exploratory R&D programme ensuring that we always push at the edges of what is possible.
We have and continue to make calculated assessments of who we choose to work with. We make concerted efforts to ensure we share similar values, we are in support of solutions to key issues and promote the same work to counter key environmental and social issues. The below document outlines our learnings, conversations, assessments of our practises and actions we take to constantly challenge and adapt our ways of working for the better.
Studio Treble has a strong belief that all societies, races, groups and cultures are created equal and therefore should be treated as such.
As an organisation tasked with the marketing and promotion of other businesses, products and services we have a responsibility to make sure that the work we do, the people we work with, the way that we speak and the content that we produce is in no way condescending, derogatory, provocative or insulting to anyone. We acknowledge in the position we are in, we have to ensure that we not only uphold the aforementioned commitment but also do what we can to combat racism, inequality and toxicity between cultures that is currently so prevalent in our society. We are committed to battling these injustices and will not allow or condone prejudices or discriminatory views in any way. This is our pledge to our stakeholders, employees, clients and customers.
We can and must do more to tackle racism as an organisation. The Studio Treble team and Board is working to create a more diverse workforce, reaffirm our mission and values within our operations as well as our projects and to reflect critically on our work, and to continue to develop as an organisation that is representative and equitable.
We wish to build upon our commitment as an organisation to support and amplify the voices of the BAME groups, professionals and communities, within our work, organisation and our practice. We are totally accountable for the removal of systemic racism, and it is our responsibility to encourage others to do the same.
This action plan is not a new initiative, nor is it time limited, it is an expression of who we are, and why we are as an organisation. We will be endeavouring to make our work around access, inclusion and equity much more transparent in the future. We wish to do this in order to be held accountable and be active accomplice in the dismantling of systemic racism.
This pledge should be considered as a ‘working document’ to be reviewed regularly, updated and cross checked to note how we are progressing with embedding these ideologies into our business and working practices.
Studio Treble has been established since May 2018 and since inception, our processes have always been forged around the notion of ‘good collaboration’. We know the importance of expertise and always look for the best and right individuals or teams to support in project work. Likewise, if required to join other teams or individuals in their endeavours, we are always keen and willing to support and ‘create’ together.
In 2019 we developed a new strategy to develop our network of organisations and programmes that set out to action positive change in society and our community. This strategy was named ‘Soul’ and is now well woven into our business thinking when assessing inbound project briefs, project collaborations or our own outbound business development work. This strategy was the first steps in supporting charitable and social organisations and is continually being developed and adhered to on Studio Treble’s journey to ‘give back’, strive for cultural democracy and equal rights for all.
Based out of The Northern Quarter in Manchester, a hub of creative expression, equality and acceptance - we aim to mirror and amplify these qualities in the place we’ve called home since 2019